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«Read our insights and news on the Thanet and Broadstairs Property Market.»

  1. «August 21, 2023»

    Landlords get a tough time on the Thanet Chat from angry tenants at all these rent rises. Understandably renters have to take their frustrations out on someone and landlords come up as the most obvious direct cause.

  2. «August 11, 2023»

    It’s hard to imagine a worse scenario, rising demand for renting with falling housing supply. The UK renters are in serious trouble and that…

  3. «August 01, 2023»

    Created in 2013 with nearly 7000 Facebook followers today, the Broadstairs History page shares photos and memories of this Kent seaside town. Broadstairs, along with its neighbours Margate and Ramsgate, thrived in the late Georgian and Victorian period. This was due to the popularity of sea-bathing, which became more accessible with the introduction of rail links. Broadstairs is home to seven stunning bays, four conservation areas, five areas of high townscape value, and approaching two hundred listed buildings. This has earned it the reputation of 'the jewel in Thanet's crown'.


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